I am a victim of csa and I love hearing these people tell their stories and get their voice back. It’s empowering. You’re seriously asking that question? It is their story and she protects the other peoples names involved. What else is she supposed to do edit out what these victims truths are? They are allowed to tell their own stories. Someone shared this on Reddit and I was surprised at how you’re portraying this story/show. If you don’t know who it’s for or what it does for them, why didn’t you ask the story teller that question? That’s who it’s for, But instead you found the other very real victim make her retell you a story , press her for details that she answers pretty vaguely? This is such a weird take

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I didn't make Sandra do a damn thing. Sandra reached out to me because she was upset about the show. She wanted to tell me her side. I was done blogging about this and she found me and asked me if we could do this.

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