I had only peripherally followed HK's story when she showed up in my "for you" twitter feed, so I didn't know a lot of the details. But that last tweet you mentioned -- the claim that they were trying to have her committed to keep her from testifying -- was when my eyebrows climbed to my hairline and I grabbed the salt shaker, because it took more than *A* grain of salt. I feel for HK; she's clearly troubled. Thank you for sharing this story and for championing truth and accountability as the reasonable companions of compassion and justice.

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A hard thing to realize is that some people behave like they are drowning and it is hard to offer aid without being drug under with them. I have experienced this myself. It is sad and causes incredible guilt

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This was a rough read, but a story that deserves to be told. Thank you for sharing and framing it so articulately

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I followed her story intensely on Twitter, horrified by all she had endured. I distinctly remember her Tweeting about Abby and her family supporting her, how she was overwhelmed by their kindness and compassion. I have been off that SM platform for two years but continually think of her - in fact, just last week. I agree that her claims of abuse are true, but it is also heartbreaking the track her life has now taken. I have an adopted brother who is a sociopath; his parents both had severe mental limitations, and he was thoroughly neglected. We tend to associate sociopaths with serial killers, but honestly, anyone who suffers formidable neglect and/or abuse in the formative childhood years is at risk. I am not trying to malign Hannah-Kate, nor insist that she is a terrible person; she does not deserve that. The documentation about abused who go on to abuse is massive, and cannot be denied. Abby and her husband were used, and psychologically abused. You cannot use childhood trauma to justify sinning against someone, but it may provide an explanation. Abby and her husband deserve to have their story believed authentic, every bit as much as Hannah-Kate's has been. Regardless of the reason, Hannah-Kate sinned against them, and there needs to be repentance.

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