The link for the lateness of Torah education for Jewish boys is to the Virginia Tech proxy server,


can you give a direct link and/or a reference?

Also, any time y'all want to do more NT Review, please do!

Thanks for your work,

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Hi Eric - do you mean for the book reviews of Safrai?



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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

This is great as usual. Do you have any suggestions for trustworthy resources for the Jewishness of Jesus? I am curious about other common claims I have heard. Particularly, would love your take on the idea that Jesus was a Pharisee himself, or as close to it to make the distinction unhelpful. And if he wasn't necessarily trained in post-second temple Rabbinical schools, to what extent was he a recognized rabbi in the second temple context?

I guess my concern is, I have seen a number of Jewish people who interact with Christians about the NT make claims similar to these about Jesus status as a rabbi, and a pretty typical one at that. Does that fall into the category of what you are cautioning against here? Or is that an unremarkable claim, historically speaking?

EDIT: I reread and I sound more suspicious than I am actually, so to clarify: I want to take Jewish people speaking about their own tradition seriously when they bring correction to often nonsensical ideas that Christians have about Judaism, but some of these correctives seem close to what you are cautioning against here.

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